Schede casuali
| (ottimo mindmap tool) ![]() Gustav Klimt 12 progetti masochisti Filosofia -- Freud, Jung e la psicoanalisi supremazia Google groups - psychology Quali sono i diritti/doveri di X verso di me? Gruppo How much do I care about other people's judgment? habit formation Skype non mi fido di te ![]() card 212 ![]() Raffaello, Raphael 11 Tania Libertad i miei amici Logica neuronale La logica neuronale consiste nella connessione (o asscoiazione) tra idee e/o sentimenti. Cosa faccio per gli altri? mia autoterapia Ognuno è responsabile non solo del male che fa, ma anche del bene che non fa agli altri. Peace beauty, communion, ease, equality, harmony, inspiration, order card 106 2010/small/IMG_9633.jpg Guarire scaricare la mia aggressività poter essere egoista quando voglio Errori Das reflexive Wissen Soddisfazione di bisogni ![]() Mosaici di umanità 165 Alessandra Capone Che male mi possono fare gli altri? ti odio ma ho bisogno di te Quali diritti non abbiamo ![]() Annie Leibovitz 18 Ho bisogno di giocare? ![]() Helmut Newton 5 ![]() Steven Pinker ![]() card 233 Introduzione a Lacan (di Luigi Anepeta) Movimento 5 stelle Roma ![]() Sebastião Salgado Photographs 12 Il pensiero di George Herbert Mead L'altro generalizzato (Mead) Generalized other tipi di personalità ajax rss reader.asp empathic accuracy essere stimato prevaricazione la mia famiglia paura di essere un mostro improbabile Chi accettare ![]() Psych_of_Social1 Erich Fromm: Biography By Douglas Kellner ![]() Raffaello, Raphael 18 interazione cose che mi stressano Spettatore T. S. Eliot masturbami progetti comprensione ![]() Tamara de Limpicka 2 audaci offerte parlo come non ho mai parlato prima Adolf Hitler: sfilata militare per il congresso del III Reich Money Una donna persone mistificazione Quanto gli altri mi trovano attraente/repellente? ![]() Galleria Borghese newspapers giurisdizione self-sabotage UPLOAD CONTENT CREATED OUTSIDE SNAPCHAT If you look at the content some brands are putting out, especially those with channels featured in Discover, it becomes obvious that they aren’t creating all of their snaps from within Snapchat’s editor. Several third party apps, available on the iOS App Store and Google Play Marketplace, allow you to upload pre-created photos and videos from your camera roll and then save them as snaps for your story or to send to other people. A word of caution: While it’s tempting to whip up nice graphics in photoshop and use an uploader to send your creations out to your snap friends, don’t lose that raw, behind the scenes feel that the platform services so well (and that many people might be following you for!). A popular app for uploading outside content in this way is called ‘Snap Upload for snapchat’ (while I can’t personally vouch for its security or stability, it has a five star rating after some 7,000 reviews on the app store, so you’re probably safe). Thanks
More Details genitori ![]() Irving Penn 74 The New York Times salir con amigos to go out with friends Destroy or not destroy? sto cercando di compensare le mie inferiorità? Tavistock The Best Kept Secret in America ... Tavistock Institute developed the mass brain-washing techniques which were first used experimentally on American prisoners of war in Korea. Its experiments in crowd control methods have been widely used on the American public, a surreptitious but nevertheless outrageous assault on human freedom by modifying individual behavior through topical psychology. A German refugee, Kurt Lewin, became director of Tavistock in 1932. He came to the U.S. in 1933 as a "refugee", the first of many infiltrators, and set up the Harvard Psychology Clinic, which originated the propaganda campaign to turn the American public against Germany and involve us in World War II. ... pasear al perro to walk the dog Pixelate Peace /War social networking ![]() Comunismo danza |