Random cards


Consider that good and evil are not absolute, but always relative to the satisfaction of someone's needs or desires.


essere degno

Elena D'Ambro

Social constructivism (Wikipedia)

Prometheus Rising (by R.A Wilson - .pdf)

Organizzare o non organizzare?

el padre

Sexy christmas

card 324

Who is inferior to me?

Das Rätsel unserer Intelligenz - Doku - ARTE


Logiche nascoste


X potrebbe arrabbiarsi con me?

Canzoni con spartito e video (Bossa Nova)
A Felicidade    video

Aqua de beber   video

Desafinado   video



Rita Charbonnier 3

Cioran - Intervista letteraria con Christian Bussy, 1973

Le mie sfortune

Un attore


Di cosa si è interessato
Fisiologia, filosofia, psicologia, esoterismo, religione, misticismo, metafisica, epistemologia.

Chi mi sta ingannando?

Having fun, pleasure, joy, happiness

Eugenio Scalfari

Michel Onfray #2 : élection, piège à cons ?

Perché interagire?


namely, in other words, that is, i.e.

Personality psychology| (Wikipedia)



controllo del pensiero

What is Affiliate Marketing?
Hello Guys,



In the world of affiliate marketing, an advertiser can be a company selling a product like electronics, airline tickets, clothing or car parts, or an advertiser could also be an insurance company selling policies. The most important thing to remember is that you are an advertiser if you are ready to pay other people to help you sell and promote your business.


A publisher is an individual or company that promotes an advertiser’s product or service in exchange for earning a commission. Advertisers contractually agree to work with a publisher, then provide the publisher with creative – in the form of links, banner or text ads or even unique phone numbers – that the publisher incorporates into their website.


The final component that completes the affiliate relationship triangle is the consumer. The consumer is the one who actually sees the ad and then makes an action (either by clicking a link or by submitting their information via a form) that takes them from the publisher’s website to the advertiser’s to complete the action, which we call a conversion.





For more information you can visit here: Explainer Production Company



farmi insegnare qualcosa da qualcuno

Tania Libertad


In what do I feel unprepared?

Catherine Deneuve

divertimento, spasso, passatempo, distrazione, spiritosaggine, comportamento burlone/scherzoso

Los mareados

Punish or not punish?





my competitors



Irving Penn 65

Irving Penn 28

Illudersi che Dio esista


Umberto Galimberti

coraggio dell'anormalità


Morale cristiana e etica laica – relazione



Being popular, being successful, being accepted, being loved, being respected, being admired, being in god’s (if any) grace, being rewarded, no guilt feelings, nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of, no regrets, no repenting, feeling morally good, feeling human

Richard Dawkins - Late Late Show 3 of 3

to put on make up

Cose che si possono condividere


sull’utilità della speculazione filosofica


Quanto gli altri mi comprendono?


Youtube Kanal von Richard David Precht

How to Read POP Mail in Windows 8

ti sto sfruttando

Problema delle differenze di gusti

Manuale per una sana conversazione - Fallacie logiche

distrinuzione delle ricchezze non corrispondente ai meriti


canva.com/it it/diagramma/ecomap


surprise party

23 - Interactions



Chi mi odia?

Umberto Galimberti

Andreas Gursky 22

Lavorare o non lavorare?


Teoria dei giochi ed evoluzione delle norme morali

Hello Guys,


The field of architecture is a massive field which gives the students a chance to follow their dream and pursue in that direction. The students interested in designs can choose the track accordingly while those interested in making renovations to the old buildings and constructions can move ahead with the other track. The opportunities to follow your interest can be achieved by choosing a specialization in architecture. If you think that architecture only includes designing of the buildings, then you are wrong. The field offers a wide scope for students to make their career.


1. Construction
2. Urban design 
3. Interior Design 
4. Finance
5. Consultant

Architectures are the creators and builders of tomorrow so it is a huge responsibility on the shoulders of the young crowd. Be the part of who are going to make things better in the future. The need of an architect is to design plans for houses, buildings, townships, cities, and much more structures. The most important part of pursuing an architecture degree is to pursue it from one of the best b schools in Pune. S. B. Patil Architecture College has earned a good reputation among students as a top college of architecture in Pune.





For more information you can visit here: Video Production Agency

Zygmunt Bauman: 'Impariamo a vivere insieme' (video)

Qu'est-ce que ChatGPT ?
ChatGPT est un modèle d'intelligence artificielle développé par OpenAI, basé sur l'architecture GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). Ce modèle est conçu pour générer du texte et répondre à des questions dans un format conversationnel, le rendant particulièrement adapté pour des applications telles que les chatbots ou les assistants virtuels. Voici quelques aspects clés de ChatGPT :

  1. Technologie Transformer: ChatGPT utilise l'architecture Transformer, qui est particulièrement efficace pour comprendre le contexte et générer du texte suivant un flux naturel. Cela lui permet de maintenir des conversations cohérentes et contextuellement pertinentes.

  2. Pré-entraînement et Affinage: Le modèle est d'abord entraîné sur un vaste corpus de textes provenant de différentes sources (pré-entraînement). Par la suite, il peut être encore entraîné ou "affiné" (fine-tuning) sur des types de dialogues ou sujets spécifiques pour améliorer ses performances dans certains contextes.

  3. Polyvalence: ChatGPT est extrêmement polyvalent et peut être utilisé dans divers domaines, tels que l'assistance clientèle, l'éducation, la génération de contenu, la programmation, et bien plus.

  4. Réponses Contextualisées: Une des caractéristiques distinctives de ChatGPT est sa capacité à fournir des réponses tenant compte du contexte de la conversation. Cela permet d'avoir des interactions plus naturelles et significatives.

  5. Capacité d'Apprentissage: Bien que ChatGPT n'apprenne pas en temps réel à partir des interactions individuelles, son architecture lui permet d'être mis à jour et amélioré au fil du temps, en apprenant à partir d'un large ensemble de données et de retours d'informations.

  6. Limitations et Éthique: Comme toute IA, ChatGPT a ses limites, y compris la génération potentielle de réponses inexactes ou biaisées. OpenAI travaille constamment pour aborder ces problèmes, en mettant également l'accent sur les considérations éthiques dans l'utilisation de l'intelligence artificielle.

  7. Interface Utilisateur Simple: Généralement, ChatGPT est accessible via une interface de chat, où les utilisateurs peuvent taper leurs questions ou commentaires et recevoir des réponses en temps réel.

En résumé, ChatGPT représente une avancée significative dans le domaine de l'intelligence artificielle conversationnelle, offrant une expérience utilisateur intuitive et une large gamme d'applications pratiques.

estetica e gusto

Due tipi di pazienti psicoterapeutici

1) quelli che, a forza di praticare le virtù che gli sono state inculcate – essere bravi, buoni, responsabili, altruisti e via dicendo –, perdono il gusto della vita, e, sotto pelle, finiscono con il pensare di essere tutt’altro da come appaiono (in genere finti, al limite mostri);

2) quelli che, per non sentirsi vasi di coccio in mezzo a vasi di ferro, all’insegna della vita è una lotta e guai ai deboli, tentano di darsi una maschera che non gli è congeniale – di durezza, insensibilità e cinismo –, dalla quale, a differenza dei modelli di riferimento, ricavano solo sensi di colpa.

Un gioco

essere incluso


trasandato, negligente, disordinato