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Vivere con filosofia![]() Tallinn, Estonia 16 Does knowing how to code make you a better tester? I would like to turn that around and say, is it a bad thing to know how to write code if you’re a tester? I can’t see a downside. Now you could argue: if you learn to write code, then you’re infected with the same disease that the programmers have – they are blind to their own mistakes. But testers are blind to their own mistakes too. This is a human failing, not one that is unique to developers. Let’s take a different perspective: If you are exploring some feature, then having some level of code knowledge could help you to think more deeply about the possible modes (the risks) of failure in software and there’s value in that. You might make the same assumptions, and be blind to some assumptions that the developer made, but you are also more likely to build better mental models and create more insightful tests. Thanks
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