Social Psychology

Paying attention to the role played by expectations in supporting social norms has helped differentiate between social norms, conventions, and descriptive norms ... [source]


We humans are first of all beings in a situation ... We cannot be distinguished from our situations, for they form us and decide our possibilities [Jean-Paul Sartre]

Coursera "Social Psychology"course

Course home page
Week 1: Social Perceptions and Misperceptions
Social psychology (Wikipedia)

Book "Social Psychology" by David Myers

The Scientific Pursuit of Happiness - Dr. David G. Myers.mp4
Social sense video library
How David Myers Became a Social Psychologist (video)
Online learning center
What is social psychology*
Social psychology is the scientific study of social thinking, social influence, and social relations
Social sense


Sending and receiving between human beings*
The Bystander Effect
Knowledge of Social Influence Forces
Asch Conformity Experiment
conformity videos
SPN Mission*
Dangerous Conformity
Obedience - Marry a Stranger
Social strategies
Everybody trying the obtain the maximun while giving the minimum, with minimum effort and minimum responsibility
Social Psychology Links by Subtopic
Social Norms (SEP)