Social Psychology

Paying attention to the role played by expectations in supporting social norms has helped differentiate between social norms, conventions, and descriptive norms ... [source]


We humans are first of all beings in a situation ... We cannot be distinguished from our situations, for they form us and decide our possibilities [Jean-Paul Sartre]

Coursera "Social Psychology"course
Course home page
Week 1: Social Perceptions and Misperceptions
Social psychology (Wikipedia)
Book "Social Psychology" by David Myers
The Scientific Pursuit of Happiness - Dr. David G. Myers.mp4
Social sense video library
How David Myers Became a Social Psychologist (video)
Online learning center
What is social psychology
Social sense
Sending and receiving between human beings
The Bystander Effect
Knowledge of Social Influence Forces
Asch Conformity Experiment
Conformity videos
SPN Mission
Dangerous Conformity
Obedience - Marry a Stranger
Social strategies
Everybody trying the obtain the maximun while giving the minimum, with minimum effort and minimum responsibility
Social Psychology Links by Subtopic
Social Norms (SEP)