
Humanist, blogger, web developer

I am the creator of this site, which I hope will be useful to many people who wish to establish deeper and more meaningful human relations and improve the current ones. For any questions, comments, suggestions and collaboration proposals, do not hesitate to contact me.

Age: 74     Gender: M
Languages: English | French | German | Italian | Arabic
Seek/offer: Self-knowledge | Mutual knowledge | Friendship | Language exchange | Intellectual co-operation
Education: High school
Country: Germany   State/Province: Bayern23
City: Munich    Zip Code: 83083
Profession: Manager
Smoker: No
Time since last visit: 3 days

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Newman's Topics

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Topics: 50     Cards: 1550
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Søren Bebe (Soren Bebe)0.00005 5Musicisti (performers)
Musicisti (performers)0.000057 21 37 4Music, musica, musique, Musik
Giornalisti, blogger, podcaster - Journalists, bloggers, podcaster0.000011 3
La Bibbia0.000043 31 18IReligione e religioni
Piergiorgio Odifreddi0.00008 8
Henri Laborit0.000020 1 15 3I
Books - Libri0.000028 22 4
Philosophy - Filosofia0.0000117 81 8IStudy Notes
Ristoranti a Roma, Restaurants in Rome0.0000102 28 87Roma (Rome, Rom)   |   Dove a Roma
Sergio Benvenuto0.000024 1 22 1I
Statistics - Statistiche (ISTAT ecc.)0.00009 9 1Study Notes
Berlin, Potsdam, Köpenick0.000038 1 28 10
Cantanti0.000085 52 59 4Music, musica, musique, Musik   |   My favorite things - Le mie cose preferite   |   Needs and Feelings - Bisogni e sentimenti
Yuja Wang0.00009 4 5Musicisti (performers)
Danze popolari0.000018 18
Atheism - Ateismo0.000037 36 3Philosophy - Filosofia   |   Laicismo, laicità, ateismo
Checklist mancanze ed eccedenze0.000021
Italian film directors - Registi italiani0.000013 13 13 13Film directors, registi cinematografici   |   demo: Demo Cardsets   |   Cinema, films, videos
Giovanni Gaetani0.000010 1 7 2
Giacomo Pezzano0.00009 9
Massimo Cacciari0.00004 4
Relazionismo0.00001 1
Baruch Spinoza0.000011 1 10Philosophy - Filosofia   |   I miei intellettuali preferiti
Psychotherapie Berlin0.000017 9 7
Emil Cioran0.000018 1 17I
Bertolt Brecht0.00004 3
Indro Montanelli0.000023 23
Brazilian portuguese - Portoghese brasiliano0.000026 24IVocabolario Portoghese-italiano
Raffaello, Raphael0.000043 43Art Samples (Paintings) - Pitori   |   Artists, artisti   |   Great painters
Internet Tools and Services (Web Tools)0.0000235 211 6The Internet's World Wide Web
Umorismo0.00008 1 8I
Roma (video)0.00001 1
Rome Pictures (Foto di Roma)0.000064 64Musei e gallerie a Roma (Museums and galleries in Rome)   |   Roma (Rome, Rom)
Un giorno dopo l'altro (Luigi Tenco)0.00002 2
Effective Altruism0.00003 3
I miei musicisti (compositori) preferiti0.000046 17 30 3Music, musica, musique, Musik
I miei intellettuali preferiti0.000084 84 16 3
Gilles Deleuze0.00007 6
Most important websites0.000081 73Miscellaneous - Miscellanea
Desiderio0.00001 1
Knowledge - Conoscenza0.000055 10 2Saggezza - Wisdom   |   Study Notes   |   Other important things   |   Culture   |   Io
Coscienza - Consciousness0.000014 14
Robert Sapolsky0.00002 2I
Lucy Bella Earl0.00004 2 1
Banche e carte di credito - Banks and credit cards0.000025 22 5I
German, tedesco, deutsch0.000047 39 3Study Notes
Oliviero Toscani - Photographs0.000047 47I miei fotografi preferiti
Modelli mentali0.00007 7I
Sigmund Freud0.00002 1 1
Albert Bandura0.00004 3