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Mosaici di umanità 198
dieta MA-PI 2
Dieta MA-PI 2


CEREALI:Riso Integrale (Oryza sativa, L.); Miglio (Panicum miliaceum, L.);Orzo (Hordeum vulgare, L.).Moderatamente: Gallette di Riso Integrale.


VERDURE: Carota (Daucus carota, L.); Cavolo Verza (Brassica oleracea, L. var. sabauda, L.); Cicoria (Cichorium intybus, L. var. indivisum); Cipolla (Allium cepa, L.); Prezzemolo (crudo) (Petroselinum sativum, Hoffm.); Ravanello (Raphanus sativus, L.).


PROTEINE VEGETALI (a pranzo e a cena):Legumi: Fagioli Neri (Phaseolus vulgaris, L.); Azuki (Phaseolus angularis, Willd.); Ceci (Cicer arietinum, L.); Lenticchie (Lens esculenta, Moench.).


CONDIMENTI:Sale marino integrale, Gomasio, Tekka (G.O. 2).Cibi fermentati: Miso, Wandadou Jiangyou, Yanzimei, Verdure sotto sale, etc.ALGHE: Qundaicai (Undaria pinnatifida, Harv.); Kumbu (Laminaria japonica, Aresch);Hijiki (Sargassum fusiforme, Harv.); Haitai (Porphyra tenera, Kjell.).


BEVANDE:Tè Beicha (Hojicha), Tè di Riso, Tè di Orzo, Acqua di sorgente o bollita.

cose che mi mancano
09 - Form independent opinions on the basis of your own reason and experience; do not allow yourself to be led blindly by others.
bisogno di cercare


Sto cercando di dominare X?
proteggere le mie ricchezze
Cape Town 22
bisogno di possesso esclusivo di cose e persone
cosa piacerebbe a X che io facessi o dicessi?
che può darmi?
Mosaici di umanità 19
Sebastião Salgado Photographs 44
gestire la mente = analizzarne e modificarne il comportamento per migliorarlo
Alessandra Canale 9
How much do I like to play?
suonare uno strumento
Diane Arbus 47
Dominazione recciproca
stare vicino a qualcuno
terapia di gruppo
che storia ha?
I miei familiari
moralità altrui
libertà incompatibili
asta, allenarsi, discutere, beccarsi, affrontarsi
what shall i think
libertà di essere egoista
Wim Wenders
card 289
Offendere o non offendere?
Differenze umane
I wanna start this blog with a post about a prominent Ukranian inventor, Fedor Pyrotsky. This little lad originates in Ukraine, which was a region of the Russian Empire. That was time to get education, the boy went to the capital of the St. Petersburg. Upon the arrival back home, Pyrotsky encountered another impressive scientist of the period, Pavel Nikolayevich Yablochkov. The scientist is famous for the creation of the most of the the first known incandescent lamps. When Pyrotsky returned in Petersburg one more time, person proposed a number of improvements in blast. However the principal theme of his life was trains. In 1875, person made about a mile of railroad vehicles driven by electricity. In 5 years, Fedor rebuilt a number of old trams driven by horses in the city to electric current, which triggered fury of the owners of traditional transport. It's pity that, the Pyrotsky can not get a sponsor for the development and the work had to be rolled off shortly. Karl Siemens, one of the constitutor of Siemens corporation, impressed by Fedor's work, made a tram line powered by electricity in Germany.


After his fail with the transportation Fedor endured working in electrical engineering, and laid the first known subterranean cable in Petersburg, and also became the most of the developers of the underground city electric network. Fedor Apollonovich expired in want, so it was necessary to poverty scientist's things to bury him. Source.

aggredire / punire chi cerca di sottrarsi al mio controllo
Alexander the Great birth and death
356-323 BC
I miei figli
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Ho bisogno di distrarmi?
Non essere disprezzati
Quanto gli altri hanno bisogno di me?
¿Cómo te llamas?
What's your name?
non poter amare qualunque persona
Perché interagire?