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random-words (randomlists.com) le mie motivazioni profonde Fedor Pyrotsky I wanna start this blog with a post about a prominent Ukranian inventor, Fedor Pyrotsky. This little lad originates in Ukraine, which was a region of the Russian Empire. That was time to get education, the boy went to the capital of the St. Petersburg. Upon the arrival back home, Pyrotsky encountered another impressive scientist of the period, Pavel Nikolayevich Yablochkov. The scientist is famous for the creation of the most of the the first known incandescent lamps. When Pyrotsky returned in Petersburg one more time, person proposed a number of improvements in blast. However the principal theme of his life was trains. In 1875, person made about a mile of railroad vehicles driven by electricity. In 5 years, Fedor rebuilt a number of old trams driven by horses in the city to electric current, which triggered fury of the owners of traditional transport. It's pity that, the Pyrotsky can not get a sponsor f ![]()
After his fail with the transportation Fedor endured working in electrical engineering, and laid the first known subterranean cable in Petersburg, and also became the most of the developers of the underground city electric network. Fedor Apollonovich expired in want, so it was necessary to poverty scientist's things to bury him. Source. responsabilità sociale esoterismo Choice of community sfruttatori intanto automiglioramento ![]() Helmut Newton 43 comporre it.wikipedia.org/wiki/William James domestic violence ![]() Brassaï (Gyula Halász) 20 pressioni sociali Cosa apprezzo/disprezzo do X? Una registrazione musicale il piacere del perdono, dell’approvazione Podcast Lanz und Precht Lasciarmi guidare da persone love aggredire / punire chi cerca di sottrarsi al mio controllo w3schools.com/php/php ajax rss reader.asp ![]() Audrey Hepburn organizzatore / organizzato Bisogni e paure di individuazione
Erich Fromm1900-1980 Im Gespräch:"Glücklich ist, der ein Symptom hat"+Die Krise des Kapitalismus... ![]() Open window en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hal and Sidra Stone religioni Emotions related to belongingness re:publica 2015 - Zygmunt Bauman: From Privacy to Publicity ![]() Iceberg Dean & David (Tal / Isartor) Tal 42 - tel. 089 2422 4731 ![]() Oliviero Toscani Photographs 46 responsabilità |