Schede casuali

What happens if two networks have the same SSID and password?

chi sto servendo?

Presentation, production

freedom to hate

Le ricordanze


Penny Playing "A Secret Garden"

LUIGI TENCO - Accordi - Un Giorno Dopo L'Altro



Forme, appartenenze, ruoli, libertà, compatibilità


03 - United States of America



community A

Mosaici di umanità 25

La conoscenza dell'uomo nella psicologia individuale

cosa vorrei sapere?

Religion as way of belonging



What is SOA records?


Dipinti di Alfred Hitler Alfred Hitler pantings 32

Fiducia cieca nel proprio Io




Do not do things that, if everyone did, would harm society or the natural environment.

“Massenpsychologie” di Freud. Una discussione


card 116

X potrebbe trattarmi male?

Libri d'arte (the Met)

Doppio vincolo

Jesse H. Wright, M.D., Ph.D.

Discussion Board
A discussion board (known also by various other names such as discussion groupdiscussion forummessage board, and online forum) is a general term for any online "bulletin board" where you can leave and expect to see responses to messages you have left. Or you can just read the board.



More Details

Animated marketing video


Mosaici di umanità 20

non aver paura


Mosaici di umanità 204

Google download

Cosa posso offrire agli altri?

Cape Town 31

Helmut Newton 1

bisogno di dimostrare di avere ragione

Piacere (immagini) 38

my teachers

Gino Paoli

perché non facciamo l'amore?

La fotografia in psicologia


DNS Records Explained with Examples

Richard Yates - Revolutionary Road

diritti e doveri miei e di x

Sophia Loren 31


nervous depression

i miei interessi

Daria Bignardi

Venditrice di fragole a Cape Town

Küssen verboten
Du willst mich haben, denn du findest mich schön
Ich muss sagen, das kann ich gut verstehen
Du machst Geschenke und wäschst bei mir ab
Und ich denke, dass ich's gut bei dir hab
Doch da gibt es eine Sache, die ich gar nicht leiden kann
Kommen deine feuchten Lippen zu nah an mich ran
Küssen verboten (küssen verboten)
Küssen verboten (streng verboten)
Keiner, der mich je gesehen hat, hätte das geglaubt
Küssen ist bei mir nicht erlaubt
Schon in der Schule, ich war sieben Jahre alt
Da war die Jule in mich total verknallt
Ging ich nach Hause, kam sie hinter mir her
Und in der Pause wollte sie noch viel mehr
Sie dachte, dass sie mich mit Käsebrötchen kaufen kann
Und dann kamen ihre feuchten Lippen an mich ran
Küssen verboten (küssen verboten)
Küssen verboten (streng verboten)
Keiner, der mich je gesehen hat, hätte das geglaubt
Küssen ist bei mir nicht erlaubt
Keiner, der mich je gesehen hat, hätte das geglaubt
Küssen ist bei mir nicht erlaubt
Und letzte Nacht im Traum
Tobias kam zur Tür herein
Ich sah große feuchte Lippen
Und ich konnte nur noch schreien
Küssen verboten (küssen verboten)
Küssen verboten (streng verboten)
Keiner, der mich je gesehen hat, hätte das geglaubt
Küssen ist bei mir nicht erlaubt
Küssen verboten (küssen verboten)
Küssen verboten (streng verboten)
Küssen ist bei mir nicht erlaubt
Keiner, der mich je gesehen hat, hätte das geglaubt
Küssen ist bei mir nicht erlaubt


Topiche freudiane
Prima topica

1 un "sistema psichico inconscio", costituito dai contenuti psichici non compresi nel campo attuale della coscienza: essi sono "dinamicamente" attivi, in quanto esercitano una pressione permanente volta ad ottenere l’accesso alla coscienza, ma incontrano forze contrarie (di "rimozione") che glielo vietano; riescono così ad esprimersi in genere soltanto attraverso dei "derivati": sintomi, sogni, paraprassi…

2 un "sistema psichico preconscio", costituito da contenuti psichici anch’essi non compresi nel campo attuale della coscienza, ma che possono essere facilmente resi consapevoli dal soggetto stesso senza necessità di trasformare il suo psichismo, quindi senza resistenza e aiuti esterni;
3 un "sistema psichico conscio", costituito dai contenuti psichici compresi, invece, nel campo attuale della coscienza.


Seconda topica

1 l’ "Es": completamente inconscio, è il serbatoio di tutte le pulsioni (sessuali, aggressive, autoconservative…) nella loro espressione psichica; tali contenuti pulsionali sono in parte ereditari o innati, in parte rimossi e acquisiti.

2 l’ "Io": è il mediatore tra le rivendicazioni dell’ Es, gl’imperativi del Super-io e le esigenze della realtà esterna: deve mediare i conflitti non soltanto tra Es e realtà, ma anche quelli tra Es e Super-io. L’ Io svolge inoltre funzioni coscienti attinenti al pensiero vigile (processi secondari, attenzione, percezione, giudizio, memoria…) ma non coincide con il sistema conscio: infatti esso svolge anche funzioni difensive in gran parte inconsce.
3 il "Super-io": in buona parte inconscio, svolge un ruolo assimilabile a quello di un giudice o di un censore nei confronti dell’ Io, e le funzioni attribuitegli sono la coscienza morale, l’autosservazione, la formazione di ideali. Esso si costituisce in parte per l’interiorizzazione dei divieti e delle richieste dei genitori, e in parte per proiezione delle pulsioni del soggetto ("autorità interiorizzata"). 

01 - Thou SHALT NOT believe all thou art told.

Who and how useful was I?



La mia storia

Erich Fromm Archives and Literary Estate


ruoli economici



Fiere, merrcati


Evgenii Bashtas

bisogno di linguaggio comune

Distruzione di un nemico

Cosa possiamo fare per migliorare le nostre relaizoni sociali?

Sebastião Salgado Photographs 41

Buy Google Voice Accounts
What is Google voice?

Now a day, This world has become very fast and advance. And if you want to walk with this world then you should need to be more advance. These days, social media is more advance than all other sectors. And there is much need to contact each other for different purposes. But a single phone number cannot give such facilities. In this regard, Google can provide you such service that is useful for you. Because Google is a social media platform that helps humans in different sectors in different shapes. You can also Buy Gmail accounts.

These days, you can use a Google PVA voice number for national and international calls, messages, and voicemail. There is no issue with which device will be best for using this service. Because it could be used on all types of mobile devices as well as desktops. You can connect your Google PVA voice number to any of your registered mobile or line land number.

Importance of Google voice number

Google always tries to provide such services to make social strong and more useful. In this regard, Google introduces such tools from time to time. And in 2007, Google has introduced a service through that you can get a new number through that you can make calls, messages, and voicemail. If you are thinking that this useful service will be most costed, then there is no fact about the high cost. Here we will discuss some importance to Buy Google voice numbers through that you can estimate how much it is effective and useful.

Use on all devices

The main importance of Google voice PVA accounts number is that you can get this facility via all devices and computer. So, there is no problem with which kind of device is using you.

Use voicemail

You can use Google voice number for voicemails. There is not any other different method to use this service. And you can search and use it like common emails.

Make national and international calls

It could be used for saving. Because through this number you can make calls nationally and internationally. The rates of these calls are also low from common numbers. The most amazing fact about Google voice number is that you can use it for national calls for free. Buy bulk Google voice numbers with Gmail PVA accounts to make more international calls. It means that you can make a call for the US and Canada without any charges. While charges of international calls are also low from a common phone number call.

There are some other benefits of using this service. If any number is disturbing you, then you can block it via Google voice. And protect yourself from spam calls. If you think that it is important to record the call, then you can record it during calls. You will just press the number 4 to start recording and again press on 4 to stop recording.

How to buy a Google voice number

If you want to get the facility of Google voice number, then you should buy Google voice numbers. We are the provider of Google voice number at cheap rates. When you will make your mind to getting this facility then you can get this service with the facility of instant delivery. After payment, you will get your order in only 1 hour. And you can order this service at any time because we are the service provider 24/7. Gmailmarket is the best place for Gmail accounts.

Piacere (immagini) 33




il piacere attiva l’attrazione, il dolore la paura

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bisogno di umiliare / deridere / offendere



To question or not to question?

United States of Europe will be founded

The Hormic Psychology