Schede casuali

Crimini commessi

Luigi Anepeta: Abbecedario di scienze umane e sociali

Alessandro Barbero Come pensava una donna nel Medioevo? 3 - Giovanna d'Arco

cosa voglio essere

litigare con mio padre

Hegel (Wikiquotes)

Piacere sessuale

riposare quando sono stanco

Mosaici di umanità 193

What is Affiliate Marketing?
Hello Guys,



In the world of affiliate marketing, an advertiser can be a company selling a product like electronics, airline tickets, clothing or car parts, or an advertiser could also be an insurance company selling policies. The most important thing to remember is that you are an advertiser if you are ready to pay other people to help you sell and promote your business.


A publisher is an individual or company that promotes an advertiser’s product or service in exchange for earning a commission. Advertisers contractually agree to work with a publisher, then provide the publisher with creative – in the form of links, banner or text ads or even unique phone numbers – that the publisher incorporates into their website.


The final component that completes the affiliate relationship triangle is the consumer. The consumer is the one who actually sees the ad and then makes an action (either by clicking a link or by submitting their information via a form) that takes them from the publisher’s website to the advertiser’s to complete the action, which we call a conversion.





For more information you can visit here: Explainer Production Company



Piacere (immagini) 5

Recapito: via Ostiense 89, 00154 Roma
Telefono: +39 06 5757611 (aperti dal lunedì al venerdì, dalle 11.30 alle 13.30 e dalle 14.30 alle 17.30; chiusi i festivi, dal 10 al 27 agosto, e dal 24 dicembre al 2 gennaio)
Fax: +39 06 57103987

07 - Nigeria


The Melancholic Existentialism of Ernest Becker

apparire buono

Verso chi sono in debito?

scienze e tecnologie

In conflicts with others, also consider the interests and views of your antagonists.

Robert Doisneau 34


Friedensreich Hundertwasser 5

What would I want to forget?



economia, finanza, politica

H.J. Eysenck

Cuscuta pianta parassita

fare attenzione all'autogoverno dell'attenzione

Everyone has the right not to love or to stop loving someone or something, since love is an involuntary feeling.




to play


Jock's Psychiatry & Philosophy (video)


Positive psychology

Die göttliche Kömedie

depressione nervosa

Storia della filosofia [52] - David Hume (1).

What do others owe me?

Un'informazione ha un significato indipendente dalla mente di chi lo la legge e di chi l'a scritta

Swizz Jazz Samples

John Coltrane (Sax)



Open window

Robert Doisneau 36

50 best websites

Si avvicina il tempo dell'uomo più disprezzabile, quello che non sa più disprezzarsi.

perno, fulcro, cardine

Ich wär'so gerne Millionär
Dann wär mein Konto niemals leer
Ich wär so gerne Millionär
Ich wär so gerne Millionär
Ich hab kein Geld, hab keine Ahnung
Doch ich hab'n großes Maul
Bin weder Doktor noch Professor
Aber ich bin stinkend faul
Ich habe keine reiche Freundin
Und keinen reichen Freund
Von viel Kohle hab ich bisher
Leider nur geträumt
Was soll ich tun, was soll ich machen?
Bin vor Kummer schon halb krank
Hab mir schon'n paar mal überlegt
Vielleicht knackst du eine Bank
Doch das ist leider sehr gefährlich
Bestimmt werd ich gefasst
Außerdem bin ich doch ehrlich
Und will nicht in den Knast
Ich wär so gerne Millionär
Dann wär mein Konto niemals leer
Wär so gerne Millionär (Millionen)
Ich wär so gerne Millionär
Es gibt so viele reiche Witwen
Die begehr'n mich sehr
Sie sind so scharf auf meinen Körper
Doch den geb ich nicht her
Ich glaub, das würd ich nicht verkraften
Um keinen Preis der Welt
Deswegen werd ich lieber Popstar
Und schwimm in meinem Geld
Ich wär so gerne Millionär
Dann wär mein Konto niemals leer
Wär so gerne Millionär (Millionen)
Ich wär so gerne Millionär



Una persona pazza

Chi posso soddisfare?

con persone

Academy Award for Best Picture (Wikipedia)

‘Just Babies: The Origins of Good and Evil,’ by Paul Bloom (NYT)

Classi di carrozze

La Sémantique Générale - par Michel Ickx

Robert Doisneau 70



Christine Neubauer 7

Timidi, eterni incompresi (

Erich Fromm – Può un’ intera società essere malata?

Non avere debiti

Interactionism (Britannica)

non poter disegnare, raffigurare qualunque cosa


i miei aforismi preferiti


Brain decides seven seconds before you decide - Do we control our brains or do our brains control us?
"An experiment at the Max Planck Institute, Berlin, in 2008 showed  that when you decide to move your hand, the decision can be located in your  brain, with an MRI scanner, before you are aware you have made a  decision. The delay is around six to seven seconds. During that time, your mind  is made up but your consciousness doesn’t acknowledge the decision until  your hand moves.
One interpretation of this is that your consciousness – the thing you  think of as ‘you’ – is just a passenger inside a deterministic  automaton. Your unconscious brain and your body get on with running your  life, and only report back to your conscious mind when necessary to  preserve a sense of free will. But it’s just as valid to say that when  you make a decision, there’s always a certain amount of background  processing going on, which the conscious mind ignores for convenience". Robert Jones [1]

libertà di omosessualità

La mia libertà

LMU Psychologie - Lehr- und Forschungseinheiten

  • Klinische Psychologie und Psychotherapie

  • Allgemeine und Experimentelle Psychologie

  • Allgemeine Psychologie II

  • Biologische Psychologie

  • Empirische Pädagogik und Pädagogische Psychologie

  • Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie

  • Familienpsychologie

  • Neuropsychologie

  • Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie

  • Psychologische Beratung und Intervention

  • Psychologische Methodenlehre und Diagnostik

  • Psychology in the Learning Sciences

  • Sozialpsychologie

  • Wirtschafts- und Organisationspsychologie

Quanto penso di essere egoista/altruista?

affascinare, illudere, convincere gli altri

First Crusade

Titoli accademici

  • Laureato in medicina

  • Professore di fisiologia, anatomia, filosofia e psicologia ad Harvard

Which-are-the-most-beautiful-logos-youve-ever-seen (Quora)

What is one thing you hate about where you live?

Nel mio studio

Chi evitare

cose che mi rattristano



La realtà fisica come un tutto indivisibile (


il mio impegno per il bene comune

Sense of community (Wikipedia)

non dire loro cose che non sono in grado di comprendere

Umberto Galimberti

Chiediti se ciò che stai facendo ti aiuta a migliorare i tuoi rapporti con gli altri.