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KNOWLEDGE Knowing nature, knowing human nature, knowing history, philosophy, psychology, natural sciences, engineering, politics, economics, technology, languages, literature, the arts, music, geography le mie miserie Let it be Rituals of belonging Bisogni e rigetti umani comodità Doppelbindungstheorie (Wikipedia) United States of Europe will be founded libertà di essere diverso Cosa (non) mi aspetto dagli altri? ![]() Pitture romane antiche Ancient Roman Paintings 3 Consider that every truth is partial and susceptible to being replaced by a more credible or more satisfying truth. ![]() Bierzelt p l'energia altrui ![]() Piacere (immagini) 7 Cannabis più pericolosa per i giovani: a rischio sviluppo cervello Left Brain vs Right Brain ![]() Mosaici di umanità 88 Want a happier life? Alegria voltou La gioia è tornata idee ![]() Andreas Gursky 29 Tumbleweed connection (album) Self-help (Wikipedia) mi sei superiore How to Eliminate the Time-Wasting Lock Screen in Windows 8 En cas de conflit avec d'autres personnes, tenez également compte des intérêts et des points de vue de vos antagonistes. HTML5 Video ![]() Irving Penn 97 la mia etica e dignità Pictures from the web (Pinterest) La cannabis non fa male. Genera "solo" sterilità, infertilità e (forse) schizofrenia ideologo Audiolibri fantastico Geo-Marketing Geo-marketing is a tool that uses geographic, or location-based, information to help companies put together marketing strategies and campaigns. Using digital mapping to organize and display data enables marketers to analyze data by region or a particular physical location (for instance, a store). The advent of digital technology has made geo-marketing increasingly affordable so that companies of any size can tap its benefits. As part of a digital strategy, geo-marketing employs geographic information systems (GIS) and data with a geographic context to market businesses and their websites through internet searches, mobile searches and social media. Most geo-marketing services are compatible with multiple smartphone, tablet and PC platforms. Thanks
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