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Humanistic psychology (Wikipedia) Enciclopedia multimediale delle scienze filosofiche (emsf.rai.it) Conceptual cards |for all uses money Piergiorgio Odifreddi: Quanti sono gli scienziati credenti? - Logica-Mente Camfrog Camfrog sociometer Ho bisogno di qualcosa? Das falsche Leben - Ursachen und Folgen unserer normopathischen Gesellschaft ![]() Irving Penn 94 Recitethis.com (templates for quotes) Michelangelo Buonarroti Cognitive bias - Bias cognitivo themindlab.org Cos'è ChatGPT? ChatGPT è un modello di intelligenza artificiale sviluppato da OpenAI che si basa su GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer). Questo modello è progettato per generare testo e rispondere a domande in un formato conversazionale, rendendolo particolarmente adatto per applicazioni come chatbot o assistenti virtuali. Ecco alcuni aspetti chiave di ChatGPT:
In sintesi, ChatGPT rappresenta un importante passo avanti nel campo dell'intelligenza artificiale conversazionale, offrendo un'esperienza utente intuitiva e una vasta gamma di applicazioni pratiche. Che ruoli vorrebbero avere gli altri rispetto a me? disappearance of individualism and privacy Contradiction and negation as ingredients of progress Contradiction and negation have a dynamic quality that at every point in each domain of reality—consciousness, history, philosophy, art, nature, society—leads to further development until a rational unity is reached that preserves the contradictions as phases and sub-parts by lifting them up (Aufhebung) to a higher unity. Temere TTS Organization rites persone malate ![]() Procol Harum ![]() whore windows Dolori Il piacere si attenua se ripetuto troppo spesso simile Brain decides seven seconds before you decide - Do we control our brains or do our brains control us? "An experiment at the Max Planck Institute, Berlin, in 2008 showed that when you decide to move your hand, the decision can be located in your brain, with an MRI scanner, before you are aware you have made a decision. The delay is around six to seven seconds. During that time, your mind is made up but your consciousness doesn’t acknowledge the decision until your hand moves. One interpretation of this is that your consciousness – the thing you think of as ‘you’ – is just a passenger inside a deterministic automaton. Your unconscious brain and your body get on with running your life, and only report back to your conscious mind when necessary to preserve a sense of free will. But it’s just as valid to say that when you make a decision, there’s always a certain amount of background processing going on, which the conscious mind ignores for convenience". Robert Jones [1]
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