Random cards

mentale, intellettuale

Che dolore mi possono dare gli altri?

Mosaici di umanità 9

Caso e necessità secondo un fondatore della fisica quantistica

Cosa penso degli altri?

Podcast: Gott ist Natur - Spinoza und der Pantheismus (Das Wissen | SWR)

Mosaici di umanità 144

L'inesistenza dell'etica laica (Facebook)

con persone

Lavoro, “oltre 200 milioni di disoccupati nel mondo, in aumento continuo”

Quanto X è rilassato/a con me?


tradizionalista / tradizionalista

poter scegliere

30 mental models to add to your thinking toolbox

Nascondermi o non nascondermi?


Contradiction and negation as ingredients of progress
Contradiction and negation have a dynamic quality that at every point in each domain of reality—consciousness, history, philosophy, art, nature, society—leads to further development until a rational unity is reached that preserves the contradictions as phases and sub-parts by lifting them up (Aufhebung) to a higher unity.

creativity boosters (artstuff.net.au)

Things we pay attention to
"We pay attention to things like emotions, threats and sex. Regardless of who you are, the brain pays a great deal of attention to these questions: Can I eat it? Will it eat me? Can I mate with it? Will it mate with me? Have I seen it before?"

Loretta Lux

picchiata, piombare, avventarsi

essere conforme

Nino Galloni da Corrado Augias 1/2 (video)

8 Famous Social Psychology Experiments

esseri umani

If you are offended by someone, do not react impulsively but rationally assess the meaning and weight of the alleged offense so that your response is proportionate and appropriate.



APDP Parental Deficit

Definitions of "civil"


1. Of, relating to, or befitting a citizen or citizens: civil duties.

2. Of or relating to citizens and their interrelations with one another or with the state: civil society; the civil branches of government.

3. Of ordinary citizens or ordinary community life as distinguished from the military or the ecclesiastical: civil authorities.

4. Of or in accordance with organized society; civilized.

5. Sufficiently observing or befitting accepted social usages; not rude: a civil reply. See Synonyms at polite.

6. Being in accordance with or denoting legally recognized divisions of time: a civil year.

7. Law Relating to the rights of private individuals and legal proceedings concerning these rights as distinguished from criminal, military, or international regulations or proceedings.



1. of, pertaining to, or consisting of citizens: civil life; civil society.

2. of the commonwealth or state: civil affairs.

3. of citizens in their ordinary capacity, or of the ordinary life andaffairs of citizens, as distinguished from military andecclesiastical life and affairs.

4. of the citizen as an individual: civil liberty.

5. befitting a citizen: a civil duty.

6. of, or in a condition of, social order or organized government;civilized: civil peoples.

7. adhering to the norms of polite social intercourse; not deficientin common courtesy.

8. marked by benevolence: He was a very civil sort, and we liked himimmediately.

9. (of divisions of time) legally recognized in the ordinary affairs oflife: the civil year.

10. of or pertaining to civil law.



1 a : of or relating to citizens

b : of or relating to the state or its citizenry <civil strife>

2 a : civilized <civil society>

b : adequate in courtesy and politeness : mannerly <a civil question>

3 a : of, relating to, or based on civil law

b : relating to private rights and to remedies sought by action or suit distinct from criminal proceedings

c : established by law

4: of, relating to, or involving the general public, their activities, needs, or ways, or civic affairs as distinguished from special (as military or religious) affairs

5 of time : based on the mean sun and legally recognized for use in ordinary affairs



- of the ordinary life of citizens as distinguished from military, legal, or ecclesiastical affairs

- of or relating to the citizen as an individual: civil rights

- of or occurring within the state or between citizens: civil strife

- polite or courteous

- of or in accordance with Roman law

Etymology: 14th Century: from Old French, from Latin c?v?lis, from c?vis citizen

Quanto gli altri mi comprendono?

interagire con gli altri

una donna

bisogno di sopravvivere


Mangiafuoco (Via Chiana)
Via Chiana 37 tel 06-85357255

Censure e tabù

Clint Eastwood

Piacere (immagini) 25


persone che mi sono indifferenti

Robert Doisneau 47

chi vorrei avere come amico o amica?


La storia d'Italia di Montanelli - 01 - Piazzale Loreto e la fine del Fascismo - Parte 3/4

Global Speech Synthesis

Produco cose che non ho mai prodotto prima


da persone

autocensura conscia o inconscia sull’espressione del piacere e del dispiacere anche in relazione al piacere/dispiacere da parte degli altri, al piacere/dispiacere dell’uomo verso gli altri

Helmut Newton 38

membri di certe comunità religiose

Riunione creativa



Comprensione critica

Quanto la costituzione geneitca influisce su egoismo e altruismo?

Der Mensch, das emotionale Wesen (pdf transcript)

Paul Simon -Still Crazy After All These Years

A chi/cosa obbedire?

Annie Leibovitz 33

Aforismi sulla felicità (dixxit)


Menzogna, autoinganno illusione (Google books)

Two firm two consumer economy efficiency (two goods)

For pareto efficiency (given everything is convex, returns to scale are <=1)

1. MRS of all consumers=Marginal rate of transformation (slope of production possibilites frontier)=p(x)/p(y)

2. MRTS (Rate of technical substitution) for all producers=wage rate/rental rate

Is it necessary that all conditions in 1 and 2 are equal among themselves too? As in, is MRS=MRTS=...==...?

Also, for 2nd welfare theorem to hold, do we require the PPF to be a convex set, or each individual production functions to be convex set?




Check this  Landing page video



Adorno on Hegel
Theodor W. Adorno devoted an essay to the difficulty of reading Hegel and asserted that there are certain passages where it is impossible to decipher what Hegel meant.


Collection in Pinterest

Thelonious Monk

MAXXI Museum


Pleasure, joy, happiness, having fun

Pitture romane antiche Ancient Roman Paintings 4


2 x 9

Con chi farei bene a interagire?

Eva Illouz


Current local times around the world (time zones)

Current local time in cities and countries worldwide, in all time zones with DST accounted for. Links to each city with extensive info on time, weather forecast, Daylight Saving Time changes, sunrise, sunset and moon times and phases.



Esigenze di ogni essere umano


Berlusconi with pope


bruno.cancellieri@gmail.com / bruno1049Bruno

codice per evitare controllo età: 0000

Ad alta voce - Tutti gli autori

Cosa non possiamo fare

Se ti fosse possibile realizzare un desiderio, quale vorresti realizzare?

Belonging and Individuation

Emotional Intelligence (Wikipedia)


Wittgenstein’s Confession

T. S. Eliot


Pappagallo ermetico
Un Pappagallo recitava Dante:
"Pape Satan, pape Satan aleppe...".
Ammalappena un critico lo seppe
corse a sentillo e disse: - È impressionante!
Oggiggiorno, chi esprime er su' pensiero
senza spiegasse bene, è un genio vero:
un genio ch'è rimasto per modestia
nascosto ner cervello d'una bestia.

Se vôi l'ammirazzione de l'amichi
nun faje capì mai quelo che dichi.

cose che mi conviene nascondere

di che ha paura?
