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![]() Mosaici di umanità 15 Tolerate those who are less intelligent than you, for no one is responsible for his own degree of intelligence. soprattutto paura della felicità Corrado Carnevale Questo esercizio può essere pericoloso? empathy Farmi ridere What does X like/dislike about me? Cosa mi incuriosisce di X? greenme.it/vivere/salute-e-benessere/23083-ossitocina La sua compatibilità di con quello altrui A cosa pensare rapporti Complexity and stupidity 15 Unmistakable, Outrageously Secret Signs You're an Extrovert cifra Michel Onfray #6 : "Proudhon,Tolstoi et les contradictions de l'anarchisme" Imprigionare persone ![]() Mosaici di umanità 38 Luglio 1993 - 1.avi ti invito a cena a casa mia ![]() Mosaici di umanità 178 How competent at coding should testers be? My thesis is that all testers could benefit from some programming knowledge, but you don’t need to be as ‘good’ a programmer as a professional developer in order to add value. It depends of course, but if you have to deal with developers and their code, it must be helpful to be able to read and understand their code. Code comprehension is a less ambitious goal than programming. The level of skill varies with the task in hand. There is a range of technical capabilities that testers are being asked for these days, but these do not usually require you to be professional programmer. Thanks
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