Random cards

W. Eugene Smith 43


card 81
http://www.cancellieri.org/galleries/people/small/coppia mani sulle natiche A2.jpg


Latitudine Tokio

GDPR, tutto ciò che c’è da sapere per essere in regola

W. James nell'articolo "FIlosifa" dell'enciclopedia Treccani


attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

card 251

Andreas Gabalier - Amoi seg ma uns wieder (Karaoke)
text: http://www.songtexte.com/songtext/andreas-gabalier/amoi-seg-ma-uns-wieder-be925ca.html


Uns oin is die Zeit zu gehen bestimmt
Wie a Blattl trogn vom Wind
Geht's zum Ursprung zruck als Kind
Wenn des Bluat in deine Adern gfriert
Wei dei Herz aufhört zu schlogn
Und du aufi zu die Engerl fliagst
Dann hob ka Angst und loss di anfoch trogn
Weil es gibt was nach dem Lebm, du wirst scho segn

Amoi seg ma uns wieder
Amoi schau i a von obm zua
Auf meine oitn Tag leg i mi dankend nieder
Und moch für olle Zeitn meine Augen zua

Ois wos bleibt ist die Erinnerung
Und schön langsam wird da kloar
Dass nix mehr is wias woar
Dann soll die Hoffnung auf a Wiedesehn
Mir die Kroft in mein Herzschlog legn, um weiter zu lebm

Amoi seg ma uns wieder
Amoi schau i a von obm zua
Auf meine oitn Tag leg i mi dankend nieder
Und moch für olle Zeitn meine Augen zua

A Liacht sui da leichtn bis in die Ewigkeit
Zur Erinnerung an die Lebenszeit

Amoi seg ma uns wieder
Amoi schau i a von obm zua
Auf meine oitn Tag leg i mi dankend nieder
Und moch für olle Zeitn meine Augen zua
Auf meine oitn Tag leg i mi dankend nieder
Und moch für olle Zeitn meine Augen zua

la cultura


problem solving

History - Storia

Mosaici di umanità 146

Ethics - Etica


cultori di certi argomenti

auf jdn/etw angewiesen sein
dipendere da qu/qc

Piacere da perdono

card 274

How to Connect Two Routers & Have the Same SSID

Ludwig Feuerbach

Sueddeutsche Zeitung

Chi osservare

Meditation (Zen Music)

cura/aiuto/assistenza (curatore-curato)

5 - Genetic decay

50 Topics to Spark Good Conversation

Henri Cartier Bresson 41

Rendez aux personnes individuellement, et à la société en général, ce que vous avez reçu d'elles, dans la mesure de vos possibilités.

Einleitung ueber die Regeln, nach dem man unter Gebildeten kommuniziert


What do I like/dislike about X?

Stephen West podcast on spotify

gruppi linguistici

WILLIAM JAMES - Le pragmatisme

Essere temuto

101 Compatibility Questions That Every Couple Should Ask

Che ruolo vorrei avere rispetto a X?

alleato / alleato

bisogno di esercizio fisico

Not to be left alone


15 Unmistakable, Outrageously Secret Signs You're an Extrovert

João Gilberto

person Y

Dangerous Conformity

mutual coaching


Olio, sale e pepe (Ostiense)
Via Giovanni da Empoli 5/9 ttel 06-5742418 lunedì chiuso http://www.oliosaleepepe.net/


card 91
http://www.cancellieri.org/galleries/Roma 2010/small/img_0209.jpg

NIno Manfredi



Umberto Galimberti - " Il piccolo uomo"


Credi nei miracoli, cioè in fenomeni che non rispettano le leggi della natura?

parlare in pubblico

Eysenck’s Personality Inventory (EPI) (Extroversion/Introversion)

Rai Play documentari storia

Identity in difference
Central to Hegel's conception of knowledge and mind (and therefore also of reality) was the notion of identity in difference, that is that mind externalizes itself in various forms and objects that stand outside of it or opposed to it, and that, through recognizing itself in them, is "with itself" in these external manifestations, so that they are at one and the same time mind and other-than-mind. This notion of identity in difference, which is intimately bound up with his conception of contradiction and negativity, is a principal feature differentiating Hegel's thought from that of other philosophers.

Organize yourself |and things

Pitture romane antiche Ancient Roman Paintings 1

Verso la filosofia

What is Psychoanalysis? Part 4: The Ego, the Id and the Superego


Human Scale Development


bfu.goethe.de/c1 01

Di cosa abbiamo bisogno

Interactive flashcards



PoP in Pinterest

Goguin 2

Domandare o non domandare?


100 Parole in Portoghese che conoscete già!

Che male mi possono fare gli altri?


controllare il mio pensiero

Who and how much does he need me?

Mozart: Così fan tutte


Quanto X ha bisogno di me?

card 95

Contesti sociali in cui interagire

Foto di F. S.v.T.



Henri Cartier Bresson 3

Café psychologique (Facebook 2)

Erich Fromm – Il conformismo come “schizofrenia”, la società malata