Random cards

Superamento di ostacolo


Friedensreich Hundertwasser 1

Roma Meteo - wheather in Rome

Mosaici di umanità 160


Cinema, films, videos



Waking Up with Sam Harris #113 — Consciousness and the Self with Anil K. Seth



How well does X know me?


Computer-assisted therapy in psychiatry: be brave-it's a new world


Five Memory Techniques For Better Vocabulary Building

09 - Form independent opinions on the basis of your own reason and experience; do not allow yourself to be led blindly by others.

Irving Penn 92

How much does X like me?

La psiche coincide col pensiero

Essere approvato, stimato, rispettato dagli altri

L'illusione di Dio (video)

insincerità, ipoctrisia altrui


progetti miei e di x

Church kopenhagen

La sua volontarietà

Swr nachtcafe

Dipinti di Alfred Hitler Alfred Hitler pantings 2

Henri Cartier Bresson 31

Edgar Morin

meta-role playing

Farmi piangere


Fontana di Trevi

essere amato

Campidoglio dettaglio

Answers - Erich Fromm

Robert Doisneau 51

in che mi sento superiore / inferiore alla media degli esseri umani

Irving Penn 19

Top 100 Tools for Learning 2014


tutto il resto

What is Psychoanalysis? Part 1: Is it Weird? (video)


creare cose

Bill Gates

possedere cose

la mia sensibilità

New Effective Ways to Promote Your Apps

Hello guys,


Get Featured On Mobile App Review Sites
If you get featured on The Next Web, you can expect tens of thousands of unique visitors in the first 24 hours to hit your website and your app store page.There are many sites you can submit your app, such as cnet,mashable, techrunch, app advice, appbrain,etc.

Alterative App Stores
Besides Google Play & App Store, there are many other app stores where you can upload your app, such as Opera Mobile Store, Amazon app store, AppBrain, Appslib, Mobogenie, Getjar, Galaxy Apps, etc.


Cooperate with App Marketing Agencies
It’s the most efficient and easiest way to promote your app, what your should is just provide the app and money, and if you could reach an agreement on sharing the revenue, what you should provide is only the app. You have a great app. They know the marketing techniques. Collaborate to make a fortune.

There are many app marketing agencies, what you should do is choosing a reliable, personally speaking, I highly recommend Asotop1, one of my friends are cooperating with them, it’s said that they are reliable.

Cooperate with influencers
Influencers are individuals with the power to influence the buying and engagement decisions of a certain group of people. These people may include influential bloggers, newspaper journalists, professional tech writers in social network like Facebook or Twitter.

QR Codes
When you’re targeting the smartphone generation with a mobile app, QR codes are the best way to advertise. You can add them to your website, business card, brochures, mailings (email and snail mail), receipts, or storefront window.

For more information you can visit here: Video Animation Services 

bisogno di combattere chi limita la libertà

la mia cultura

persuadere, allettare, indurre, adulare, carpire, corteggiare, cullare, lusingare

Con chi conversare



Buoni maestri



Scott Joplin|The entertainer

bisogno di essere perdonato


Claudio Arrau

Lecture on Mead: I, Me, and Generalized Other (Youtube)

organizzatore / partecipante

Come reagire a un inganno

What we need to change

Da chi difendermi


Piacere (immagini) 15

IWBANK su prelievi USA con carte di credito
la carta più conveniente in assoluto fori dall'area euro è la carta IWBAG che prevede commissione di 1,9 euro per il prelievo e l'1% sul tasso di variazione del cambio applicato da VISA, quindi la carta IW, con 2,75 per i prelievi e il 2% sulla variazione del cambio applicato da VISA, quindi il bancomat: il 3% sui prelievi contanti con minimo 3,62 euro e l'1,5% sui pagamenti con massimo 3,62 euro
BRUNO: grazie, esiste una pagina web dove si trovano queste info?
Giuseppe A.: si, è sul proseptto spese che troverai in pdf al link seguente:
Giuseppe A.: http://www.iwbank.it/moduli-apertura-conto-istituzionale.html

Partner sessuale

Herbert Bloomer



Verbos auxiliares

Doctor (Ph.D) in Psychophilosophy (in English)

2019 | Martha Argerich plays Beethoven Piano Concerto No. 1 + Bach Gavottes / Scarlatti K141 encores

Das reflexive Wissen


Un militare


Ho paura di qualcosa?

A Foggy Day



Spettacoli a Roma (Eventi a Roma, Rome's Events)


Deutsch lernen durch Hören mit Transkriptionen | Wortschatz C1 C2 | Deutsch lernen mit Nachrichten

Chi ha bisogno di me?


Alessandra Canale

argomento, competizione, discussione

Annie Leibovitz 28

Un medico

lo spazio