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Taj Mahal

Trascendentalismo (Wikipedia)

i ragazzi stanno bene

Friz perls

Tamara de Limpicka 13

che limiti ha?

Ne vous surestimez pas et ne vous sous-estimez pas. Si quelqu'un vous critique, ne le rejetez pas d'emblée, mais examinez-le sans préjugés pour voir s'il est justifié.

i miei muscoli

osteggiare chi è preferito a me (gelosia)

Irving Penn 3

TED Conversations


Christine Neubauer 2

Istituto Erich Fromm

Support policies that give everyone equal opportunities for education and health care.

Polyglot Club
Official Website - Find a friend to exchange languages!
Learn a foreign language: online and offline language exchange, educational resources. Community of teachers and students from all around the world. Register for free and find a native speaker.

  • L'oro del Reno (prologo)
  • La Valchiria (prima giornata)
  • Sigfrido (seconda giornata)
  • Il crepuscolo degli dei (terza giornata)

GDPR n.679/2016 e siti web: alcune informazioni per mettersi in regola


Human Needs (Psychology Today)

Demoni (disambiguazione in Wikipedia)


Astra 1N

Chi rifiutare

The Beatles 9

perché siamo ciò che siamo


it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Entanglement quantistico

it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul Watzlawick


Albert Bandura

perché si muore?

Speciale "Indizi di felicità", incontro con Walter Veltroni

social criticism

Cosa pensano gli altri di me?

Umberto Galimberti: Amare se stessi è la condizione indispensabile per vivere bene - Il Filosofo

cosa potrebbe succedere tra X e me?


Erich Fromm – Il conformismo come “schizofrenia”, la società malata


Cosa non dobbiamo fare

Intellective Data Integration Tool

perché la gente fa poche domande?

cosa (non) vorrei dall'altro e v.v.

River Flows| in You

Self Hypnosis 4

Cosa mi fa ridere

Hindemith: Symphonic Metamorphosis of Themes by Carl Maria von Weber

Letras acentuadas
Á 0193á 0225É 144é 0233Í 0205í 0237Ó 0211ó 0243Ú 0218ú 0250ü 129Ñ 165ñ 164¿ 0191¡ 0161


Psychophilosophy (told by ChatGPT).pdf

Human Nature and Social Theory (1969)

Dito medio

(christliche) theologie

le falsità


le mie foto


Porta portese

suonare uno strumento

Nem eu mesma sei de quê
Non so nemmeno cosa

hundertwasser, the painter (video)


Intervista ad Aldo Carotenuto su Jung


folla, ressa, calca, sgobbata, studio affrettato e nozionistico, frottola, balla




Rita Charbonnier 7


Giorgio Vallortigara – Sui cervelli (maschili e femminili)

Matteo Saudino videos

What is the balance between my serving and using others?

New Effective Ways to Promote Your Apps

Hello guys,


Get Featured On Mobile App Review Sites
If you get featured on The Next Web, you can expect tens of thousands of unique visitors in the first 24 hours to hit your website and your app store page.There are many sites you can submit your app, such as cnet,mashable, techrunch, app advice, appbrain,etc.

Alterative App Stores
Besides Google Play & App Store, there are many other app stores where you can upload your app, such as Opera Mobile Store, Amazon app store, AppBrain, Appslib, Mobogenie, Getjar, Galaxy Apps, etc.


Cooperate with App Marketing Agencies
It’s the most efficient and easiest way to promote your app, what your should is just provide the app and money, and if you could reach an agreement on sharing the revenue, what you should provide is only the app. You have a great app. They know the marketing techniques. Collaborate to make a fortune.

There are many app marketing agencies, what you should do is choosing a reliable, personally speaking, I highly recommend Asotop1, one of my friends are cooperating with them, it’s said that they are reliable.

Cooperate with influencers
Influencers are individuals with the power to influence the buying and engagement decisions of a certain group of people. These people may include influential bloggers, newspaper journalists, professional tech writers in social network like Facebook or Twitter.

QR Codes
When you’re targeting the smartphone generation with a mobile app, QR codes are the best way to advertise. You can add them to your website, business card, brochures, mailings (email and snail mail), receipts, or storefront window.

For more information you can visit here: Video Animation Services 

Hottest Girls Of Instagram
If you like seeing sexy girls in your phone, here are the Hottest Instagrams Girls

Corso di laurea triennale L-24 Psicologia e Salute (codice 16040) - Coordinatore: Prof. Claudio Barbaranelli

educatore / educato


Steven Pinker

"homo homini lupus" di Hobbes giustifica politiche oppressive


Coogle cloud console

Repertorio dei bisogni umani (non raggruppati)


Legare qualcosa

psicologia gerontologica

Call to Action

A call to action, in marketing, is an image, a line of text or a combination of the two that is aimed at encouraging readers, listeners or viewers to take the next step.

An effective call to action comes after the marketing message and makes it clear what the marketer wants the audience to do (such as “liking” something or making a purchase) and can be included anywhere in a marketing message in a print communication, on a website, in an e-book, in an email, at the end of a blog post or on social media. A marketing message may have more than one call to action.



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Talent Management Video


Castel S. Angelo columns

la mia storia


libretti d'opera

Dieci modi in cui gli introversi interagiscono diversamente con il mondo

I libri più importanti che ho letto
  • Erich Fromm: Fuga dalla libertà
  • Erich Fromm: Man for himself
  • Richard Dawkins: The selfish gene
  • Alfred Adler: Conoscenza dell'uomo


Chi dipende da me?

Ho bisogno di non pensare?