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Cosa determina il mio comportamento? Antônio "Tom" Carlos Jobim (Wikipedia) imparare Reject or not reject? ![]() Luigi Anepeta Lab+ Fa- cosa fare? bisogno di esplorare, viaggiare Liberatore ![]() Mosaici di umanità 124 ![]() Cape Town 19 Che relazione c'è tra libertà e potere? Erich Fromm Interview Excerpt solitudine ![]() Brassaï (Gyula Halász) 64 Psicosintesi Verso i venditori ABC - "TUTTI D'ACCORDO" - Il flauto traverso Brunelli Giulio Flaminio (edueda.net) social media marketing company SMO stands for social media optimization. in this, you can promote your business on social media. in this modern era everyone using social media, that platform is perfect to promote your business for more clients. they can show their interest through comments, calls, and emails. we are the best social media marketing company in Sydney you can contact us regarding this service and also for other digital marketing services. gentiepaesi.it arti juggernaut macchina gigantesca, autorarticolato Ricevere qualcosa da persone ![]() W. G. Alexander ![]() Bellezza Which types of friendships are you targeting? In their book on friendship, Liz Spencer and Ray Pahl identified 8 different types (based on their research). Associates were people who only shared a common activity, like a hobby or a sport. Useful contacts were people who shared information and advice, typically related to work or advancing ones career. Favor friends were people who helped each other out in a functional manner, but not in an emotional manner. Fun friends were people who socialized together, but only for fun. They didn’t provide each other with a deep level of emotional support. Helpmates were a combination of favor friends and fun friends. They socialized together and helped each other out in a functional manner. Comforters were like helpmates, but they also provided emotional support. Confidants disclosed personal information to each other, enjoyed each other’s company, but weren’t always in a position to offer practical help, for example if they lived far away. Soulmates displayed all of the elements. Which types of friendships are you targeting?
Selected comments
Paul, thank you. However, I think this classification of friends is a little bit uncompleted as well as your consideration of this problem in your slide-show. For example, what about relatives, coworkers, online friends moved from offline, etc. I research this issue a couple of years and write on “virtual friendship” in context of “social” Internet future at my blog (unfortunately, in Russian only). Last my post on this topic is “Social labyrinth, or What is a friend’s weight?” http://amilner.itechbridge.com/2010/07/20/social-labyrinth/ . It’s regarding your last posts and your future book. You could understand what I want to say if read attachment in English to the post.
Paul, thanks for sharing; we need many more conversations like this! My hypothesis is that digital social networks give us unprecedented choice of people with whom to have relationships, but very few humans have EVER been good at choosing and managing complex relationship webs (“social networks”). Why? Because geo and social position largely dictated with whom we interacted. IOW, we aren’t supposed to be good at this. As an exec and long-time networker and coach, i have remarked on this but only recently it because obvious (after reading Dunbar). People aren’t good at offline networking, and online is even more difficult for them because they aren’t aware of how to do it face to face, so transferring to a digital process is even harder. Cheers
[...] Eight types of friendship » THINK OUTSIDE IN Fun friends were people who socialized together, but only for fun. They didn’t provide each other with a deep level of emotional support. Helpmates were a combination of favor friends and fun friends. They socialized together and helped each other out in a functional manner. Favor friends were people who helped each other out in a functional manner, but not in an emotional manner. Comforters were like helpmates, but they also provided emotional support. [...]
My thoughts on Different type of Friends | Mentyzee's Blog October 12, 2012 at 10:55 am [...] Hi readers, ( i really wanna know who actually read my blog posts), i am just curious ya know .hehehe it is 4:30 am , where maybe some people just woke up and getting ready to work or maybe there are people at the other side of the planet is working? taking nap? or more… and i am supposed to be on my bed and sleep tightly and cover myself with my warmiee winnie the pooh blanket … i tried to force myself to sleep since 2:30, i lied on my bed and played my tablets till 3:30 am .. and i still don’t feel tired at all. i have been thinking a lot. really a lot .or somehow my mind is wandering around and i could not focus at all … at some point, i am thinking about my parents, my future, my future husband, people around me, random faces and moreeee.. i was just over-thinking. think too much and sometimes is not necessary at all ..i should just stay focus on myself. what i should do and who i want to be …(is it sound selfish) okay, so what do i really want to talk about? okay look, i wanna talk about soul mates, real friends and real buddy so i went to google and typed “different type of friends” so the first webpage shown me this http://www.thinkoutsidein.com/blog/2010/04/eight-types-of-friendship/ [...]
Wisdom Wednesday | Pathway to Spiritual Rebirth […] Associates were people who only shared a common activity, like a hobby or a sport. Useful contacts were people who shared information and advice, typically related to work or advancing ones career.Favor friends were people who helped each other out in a functional manner, but not in an emotional manner. Fun friends were people who socialized together, but only for fun. They didn’t provide each other with a deep level of emotional support. Helpmates were a combination of favor friends and fun friends. They socialized together and helped each other out in a functional manner. Comforters were like helpmates, but they also provided emotional support. Confidants disclosed personal information to each other, enjoyed each other’s company, but weren’t always in a position to offer practical help, for example if they lived far away. Soulmates displayed all of the elements.http://www.thinkoutsidein.com/blog/2010/04/eight-types-of-friendship/ […]
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I miei piaceri ![]() card 303 Culture diverse il questionario di intervista.link Verso i miei amici sono brutto rielaborare il dolore ISFP (composer, artist) Quiet, friendly, sensitive, and kind. Enjoy the present moment, what’s going on around them. Like to have their own space and to work within their own time frame. Loyal and committed to their values and to people who are important to them. Dislike disagreements and conflicts, do not force their opinions or values on others. Ip address check (ip.web-hosting.com) perdonatore / perdonato i miei problemi malattie i miei scritti distruggere Al museo a Santa Barbara Real vs. virtual reality Ethical Progress as Probem-Resolving francesco erich fromm: freedom and alienation, and loving and being, in education What prejudices do I have about X? mating it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lev_Isaakovi?_Šestov The Problem of Free Will riabilitazione neuropsicologica Musicanti a Berlino sotto la tenda di chi sto fruendo? difesa dei propri interessi da parte degli altri CASEIFICIO SOCIALE MANCIANO Caseificio Sociale Manciano Società Agricola Cooperativa - Loc. Piano di Cirignano - 58014 Manciano (GR) - Presidente Carlo Santarelli. Il Pecorino Toscano Dop anti-colesterolo del Caseificio sociale di Manciano (Grosseto) ha vinto l’Oscar Green nazionale. Dopo l’affermazione regionale, lo scorso settembre, il progetto scientifico realizzato dal caseificio maremmano, in collaborazione con le università di Pisa e di Cagliari, si aggiudica l’importante riconoscimento di Coldiretti Giovani Impresa sotto l’alto Patronato del Presidente della Repubblica nella categoria “In Filiera”. Le premiazioni finali si sono tenute a Roma (http://www.formaggio.it/news/il-pecorino-toscano-dop-anti-colesterolo-vince-loscar-green/). Il CASEIFICIO SOCIALE MANCIANO - Società Agricola Cooperativa è sorto nel 1961 per volontà di 21 allevatori della zona, con il preciso scopo di valorizzare la produzione di latte ovino dell'entroterra maremmano della provincia di Grosseto, zona dove la pastorizia per tradizioni secolari ha sempre rappresentato una delle fonti principali di sostentamento. La Cooperativa ha oggi, senza ombra di dubbio, raggiunto il proprio scopo, associando circa 330 produttori di latte ovino e vaccino dislocati in un circondario comprendente 11 Comuni della provincia di Grosseto e 2 della provincia di Viterbo. Il Caseificio nel rispetto di una tradizione antichissima avvalendosi però di attrezzature moderne, produce, formaggi di pecora e misti i quali grazie al loro sapore fresco e “gentile” per i più teneri, deciso per i classici toscani stagionati, insieme alla sua inconfondibile ricotta allietano le tavole dei consumatori del nostro paese. http://www.caseificiomanciano.it/territorio.html - La Maremma Toscana "“Ma di lontano pace dicono al cor le tue colline con le nebbie sfumanti e il verde piano ridente ne le pioggie mattutine”" (Giosuè Carducci ) testosterone Di cosa abbiamo bisogno ![]() Mumbai_railway_station Dividere la propria casa con altri Con-Vivi-Amo.it è una community di persone che condividono valori e prospettive di buone relazioni o di coabitazione. Ci si iscrive e si entra a far parte di un progetto di cambiamento sociale volto a migliorare la qualità del nostro modo di stare insieme nelle più varie situazioni sociali o abitative. Sede: Roma, Italia - Telefono: +39 339.266.68.07 - Email:info@con-vivi-amo.it sul conflitto tra appartenenza e libertà Mezzo al mare libertà di omosessualità ![]() Amicizia Soziale Interaktionen aktivieren das Belohnungssystem im Gehirn Lastschrift debit entry, debit advice Role performance Giovanni Gaetani universo Abitudini simili accordo ![]() laugh it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deismo 8 x 3 24 ![]() The King's Singers bello / brutto Quanto loro sono misantropi/filantropi? unconscious Emotions ![]() 01.Agenzia-Dufoto-Federico-Fellini-e-Vittorio-De-Sica-1962 Online Personal Book Cataloging trasgressione Il piacere si attenua se ripetuto troppo spesso persuasion ![]() Father p Bandura Albert (stateofmind.it) oltreuomo serial vs parallel processing cose che mi piacerebbe fare Masturbarmi con me Meditation (Zen Music) Vosotros vs Ustedes "Vosotros" si usa solo in Spagna, in America Latina si usa "ustedes". agenti mentali Etnia Responsivevoice.com essere ascoltato Inconsistenza dell'essere |