

Surviving the Cosmos: A Conversation with David Deutsch
The Multiverse & You (& You & You & You...): A Conversation with Max Tegmark
The Dark Side: A Conversation with Paul Bloom
Through the Eyes of a Cult
Leaving the Church: A Conversation with Megan Phelps-Roper

Book Chapters:

Waking Up: Chapter One
Letter to a Christian Nation: Afterword


On the Freedom to Offend an Imaginary God
Drugs and the Meaning of Life
The Fireplace Delusion
10 Myths—and 10 Truths—About Atheism


The True Believers: Sam Harris and Graeme Wood discuss the Islamic State
Taming the Mind: A Conversation With Dan Harris


Is There An Afterlife?: Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens vs. Rabbi David Wolpe and Rabbi Bradley Artson
Is Religion Built Upon Lies? Sam Harris vs. Andrew Sullivan

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