Core concepts in the field of psychology
actor/observer bias |
addiction |
adhd/add |
adolescence |
adultery |
advertising |
affective forecasting |
aggression |
aging |
alcohol |
alcoholism |
alternative medicine |
altruism |
alzheimer's |
ambition |
anger |
anger management |
animal behavior |
anorexia nervosa |
anthropomorphism |
antidepressants |
antioxidant |
anxiety |
apology |
appetite |
asexuality |
asperger's |
assertiveness |
atheism |
athleticism |
attachment |
attention |
attention deficit disorder |
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder |
attraction |
attractiveness |
autism |
baby blues |
beauty |
behavioral change |
behavioral economics |
behaviorism |
bereavement |
bias |
binge eating |
bipolar disorder |
birth order |
bisexuality |
blame |
blushing |
body clock |
body image |
body language |
bonding |
![]() |
buddhism |
bulimia nervosa |
bullying |
burnout |
bystander effect |
career |
caregiving |
cbt |
change bias |
character |
charisma |
charm |
cheating |
child development |
child discipline |
childhood |
chronic pain |
circadian rhythm |
climate change |
coaching |
cognition |
cognitive behavioral therapy |
cognitive biases |
cognitive dissonance |
collaboration |
complementary medicine |
compulsive behaviors |
compulsive overeating |
compulsive shopping |
concentration |
conformity |
conscience |
conscientiousness |
consumer behavior |
consumerism |
cooperation |
creativity |
cynicism |
daydreams |
deception |
decision-making |
delirium |
dementia |
depression |
diet |
discipline |
discrimination |
distraction |
divorce |
dna |
domestic violence |
dopamine |
dreaming |
dysthymia |
eating disorders |
education |
embarrassment |
embodied cognition |
emotion regulation |
emotional intelligence |
empathic accuracy |
empathy |
empty nest syndrome |
environment |
environmental psychology |
envy |
estrogen |
ethics |
evil |
evolutionary psychology |
extroversion |
face blindness |
failure |
faith |
false memories |
family dynamics |
fantasies |
fatty acid |
fear |
fibromyalgia |
fiction |
first impressions |
fish oil |
flirting |
forensic science |
forgiveness |
free radicals |
free will |
freud |
friends |
gambling |
gender |
generosity |
genetics |
geriatrics |
giftedness |
goals |
gratitude |
greed |
grief |
grit |
groupthink |
guilt |
gullibility |
gut feelings |
habit formation |
happiness |
hebephilia |
hedonic treadmill |
heuristics |
hoarding |
holistic medicine |
homophobia |
homosexuality |
hormones |
humiliation |
humor |
hunger |
hypnosis |
hypoactive sexual desire |
identity |
impulsivity |
infidelity |
innovation |
insomnia |
integrative medicine |
intelligence |
introversion |
intuition |
iq |
jealousy |
jet lag |
language |
laughter |
law and crime |
leadership |
learning |
loneliness |
loners |
love |
low sexual desire |
lying |
magical thinking |
magnetism |
management |
manic depression |
marketing |
marriage |
masturbation |
materialism |
mating |
media |
medication |
meditation |
memory |
menopause |
microexpressions |
mid-life crisis |
mind reading |
mind-body medicine |
mindfulness |
monogamy |
mood disorders |
morality |
motivation |
narcissism |
nature |
negative thinking |
neuroscience |
neuroticism |
nicotine addiction |
nightmares |
nutrition |
obesity |
obsessive-compulsive disorder |
ocd |
omega-3 |
online dating |
optimism |
orgasm |
outgoingness |
oxytocin |
pair bonding |
panic |
paranoia |
parenting |
passive-aggression |
perfectionism |
personality |
personality change |
personality disorders |
persuasion |
pessimism |
pets |
pheromone |
philosophy |
placebo |
politics |
pornography |
positive psychology |
positive thinking |
post-partum |
post-traumatic stress disorder |
pregnancy |
prejudice |
present moment awareness |
priming |
procrastination |
productivity |
prosopagnosia |
psych careers |
psychiatry |
psychoanalysis |
psychodynamic therapy |
psychopathy |
psychopharmacology |
psychotherapy |
puberty |
public speaking* |
Mark Twain: "There are only two types of speakers in the world, the nervous and the liar." |
punishment |
racism |
rage |
rejection |
relationships |
religion |
rem |
remarriage |
resilience |
retirement |
revenge |
risk-taking |
rumors and gossip |
sad |
satiety |
scent |
self-concept |
self-control |
self-deception |
self-esteem |
self-harm |
self-help |
self-image |
self-reinvention |
self-sabotage |
self-serving bias |
self-worth |
sensation-seeking |
sensory perception |
sex |
sex differences |
sexism |
sexual orientation |
sexual preference |
shame |
shell shock |
shyness |
siblings |
sin |
sleep |
sleep cycle |
sleep disorder |
sleeplessness |
smoking |
social anxiety |
social cognition |
social comparison theory |
social isolation |
social learning theory |
social life |
social media |
social networking |
sociobiology |
sociometer |
spirituality |
sport and competition |
sportsmanship |
spousal abuse |
ssris |
stage fright |
stereotypes |
stress |
substance abuse |
sugar pills |
suicide |
superstition |
synesthesia |
teamwork |
teenagers |
temperament |
terror management theory (tmt) |
testosterone |
thankfulness |
thinking |
time management |
trait |
trauma |
unconscious |
visualization |
weight control |
willpower |
wisdom |
work |
workaholic |
worry |