Civilized man's eight deadly sins (by Konrad Lorenz)
This is an example of web page based on the "topiCard" content management system. The page has been created online without writing any programming code except for the introduction you are reading. In this example, cards have only a title, but the user has the possibility to add the following information to each card: a note (which can be hidden as in flashcards), an image (a thumbnail is also created automatically) and a clickable web-link. An overall introduction (like the one you are reading) can also be added.
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References: Konrad Lorenz page on
1 - Overpopulation |
2 - Devastation of the environment |
3 - Man's race against himself |
4 - Entropy of feeling |
5 - Genetic decay |
6 - The break with tradition |
7 - Indoctrinability |
8 - Nuclear weapons |