
Inserire codice CSS in un post wordpress
Include post in page (wordpress)
Using wp_query to pull content from a specific post using either title or id
Function Reference/query posts
Class Reference/WP Query
Creare una Home Page personalizzata in WordPress
Come personalizzare l’homepage di un blog WordPress
A collection of collected WordPress themes
100 Excellent Free WordPress Themes
Exec-PHP plugin for WordPress
Executing php inside a WordPress widget without any plugin
Execute PHP In WordPress Post, Page And Widget Sidebar
How to run custom PHP code in WordPress – the right way
How to run PHP on posts and pages
Utilizzare le Pagine
sql e decodifica caratteri
Wordpress 3.3.1 in italiano
Installing WordPress in Your Language
WordPress in Your Language
Convertire il charset di Wordpress da ISO-8859- a UTF-8
Converting Database Character Sets
Changing The Site URL
Come Creare Una Perfetta Copia Locale del tuo Blog
Come installare WordPress