Existential questions

What can I share with others?
What could I do together with others?
Whom do I need?
Who needs me?
Who am I afraid of?
Who could I hurt?
How will what I am doing affect the way others treat me?
Who can I satisfy?
Who can satisfy me?
What do I lack to be happy?
What is the best thing I could do right now?
What are my current desires?
What would I like to change in myself?
What would I like to change in others?
What are my limitations and inabilities?
What are my resources and abilities?
Who could I help?
Who could help me?
Who is sympathetic to me?
Whom do I like?
Who do I dislike?
Who are my competitors?
What am I looking for?
What do I have too much of?
What merits do I think I have?
What duties do I think I have?
What rights do I think I have?
What am I ashamed of?
What am I proud of?
What do I feel guilty about?
What do I feel responsible for?
What am I afraid of?
What do others think of me?
What should I hide?
What am I hiding?
Who would I like to meet?
Who would I not want to meet?
In what do I feel unprepared?
Who/what is intimidating me?
What am I risking?
What mistakes have I made?
What am I not satisfied with?
How beautiful/ugly do I feel?
How selfish/altruistic do I think I am?
Who have I done harm to?
To whom have I done good?
Who do I despise?
To whom am I indebted?
Who is indebted to me?
What emotional reactions do I wish I did not have?
How empathetic am I?
In what ways do others criticize me?
What do others accuse me of?
How much do I care about other people's judgment?
How afraid am I of being disapproved?
In what do I consider myself lucky?
In what do I consider myself unlucky?
What would I like to accomplish?
What things can't I stand?
What do I expect from others?
How much do I desire success?
How inhibited do I feel?
How afraid am I of winning?
How violent am I?
How brave am I?
How masculine/feminine do I feel?
How much do I think I have done my duty?
What have I done wrong?
What does it suit me to do?
What does it not suit me to do?
Where should I go?
What should I do?
What should I stop doing?
To whom am I accountable for my behavior?
What things bring me joy/pleasure?
What things bring me suffering/pain?
How anxious am I?
How much do I like to play?
How much do I like to joke around?
What is the balance between my serving and using others?
What is the worst thing that could happen to me?
Who am I useful to?
Who is useful to me?
Why do I ask myself all these questions?
With whom do I love to interact?
Who do I not love to interact with?
Who would I like to punish?
Who would want to punish me?
Who do I think I am?
How free am I?
To whom do I have obligations?
How sane am I?
How capable am I of controlling myself?
How much do I fear fear fear?
How immoral am I?
What do I know about others?
What do I know about myself?
How much do I understand others?
How much do others understand me?
Who do I disapprove of?
Who disapproves of me?
What do I like to do?
What would I like from others?
What would others want from me?
What would I like to change in my own mind?
What would I like to change in others' minds?
How much do I accept death?
What would I like to understand?
To whom do I feel superior?
To whom do I feel inferior?
What do I worry about?
What do I hope to achieve?
Who would I like to overcome?
On whom do I depend?
Who is dependent on me?
With whom would I do well not to interact?
With whom would I do well to interact?
What would I want to remember?
What would I want to forget?
How arrogant am I?
How cocky am I?
How sociable am I?
What do others want from me?
How misanthropic am I?