Happiness Checklist / Ingredients
Approval, recognition, appreciation, all duties fulfilled, all faults pardoned, all debts paid, no critical duties / debts / promises / tasks / engagements pending, peace of conscience, no law violations pending |
Freedom, free will, free thinking, free feeling, free time, independence, no stress, no pressures, resting, sleeping, dreaming, fantasizing, no censorship, no self censorship |
Enjoying eating, enjoying drinking, enjoying sex, enjoying leisure, enjoying comfort, enjoying power, enjoying freedom, enjoying glory, enjoying drugs, enjoying smoking, enjoying beauty, enjoying watching, enjoying working, enjoying reading |
Knowing nature, knowing human nature, knowing history, philosophy, psychology, natural sciences, engineering, politics, economics, technology, languages, literature, the arts, music, geography |
Being beautiful, having one or more beautiful partners, having beautiful friends, leaving in a beautiful house, watching beautiful pictures / objects / performances, reading beautiful literature, watching / owning works of art, hearing beautiful music |
Finding new stimuli, finding new challenges, no boredom, changing the world / environment / others to fit my needs / wishes / tastes / ideas, changing myself to fit the others needs / tastes / wishes /ideas, finding the best place for me in the world (without changing the world), producing something new, compensating my inferiority by doing superiors actions |
Being prepared to future difficulties, safety, security, secrecy, privacy, being protected against enemies, criminals, accidents, being on the right way, not being lost, controlling, no changing |
Having fun, hobbies, eroticism, watching films, TV, pictures, exhibitions, exploring, travelling, humor, playing music, reading, enjoying music, arts, working, cooking, changing, game playing |
Producing, studying, cultivating, organizing, collecting, doing maintenance, gathering, cleaning, building, creating, inventing, cooking, leading, guiding, searching, researching, writing, learning, training, game playing |
Good government, lawfulness, political freedom, peace, security, morality, responsibility, reliability, loyalty, faithfulness, respect, reward |
Living in an environment which is healthy, beautiful, natural, ordered, well organized, well administered, socially convenient, comfortable, quiet, private, secure, rich, with convenient information |
No pain, no illness, no mutilations, no irrational fears, no depression, no manias, no handicaps, no addictions, being optimist, having enough life resources, enjoying living, not being too introverted, psychotherapy, medicine, hygiene, no stress, no genetic brain pathologies, no genetic melancholy |
Helping, protecting, having children, adopting children, rearing, educating, teaching, parental loving, charity, taking care of others, donating, defending, feeling useful, giving hospitality, accepting, tolerating, supporting, understanding |
Controlling, influencing, dominating, spying, leading, guiding, teaching, restricting, exploiting, overtaking, imposing, brain washing, compelling, educating, moralizing, indoctrinating, enforcing discipline, money, knowledge, competitiveness, winning, authority |
SEX* |
Having one or more suitable sexual partners always available, having sexual intercourse with/without risks, sexual freedom, being sexually aroused, playing sexual games, masturbating; for those who like it: participating in orgies, using prostitution, prostituting oneself, having sado-maso interactions, watching pornography, watching live sexual interactions |
Communicating, co-operating, doing things together (working, playing, sex, fun, sports, travelling, fighting), exchanging things, conversing, selling, buying, presenting, telling stories, teaching, donating, meeting, looking for people, publishing, Internet browsing/posting |
Intelligence, money, culture, strength, beauty, health, productivity, leadership, economy, politics, sex, sports, games, courage, popularity, no envy, no jealousy, know-how, profession, friendships, malice, astuteness |
Honor, being useful to the community, being productive, contributing to community improvement, good reputation, morality, good curriculum, social identity, social distinction, valuable memberships |
Traditions, customs, conformism, religion, patriotism, familiarity, affinity, rituals, feasts, symposia, celebrations, common culture, fashion, common tastes, common beliefs, common experiences, no human differences |
Peace, loving, liking, fraternity, friends, family, relatives, company, solidarity, alliance, partnership, interdependence, community, sharing, serving, being religious, no judging, not being too intelligent, making others feel at ease, no death, no separation, self submission, self dedication, compatibility between friends and/or relatives |
No fears, self-assurance, assertiveness, positive thinking, optimism, enthusiasm, no inferiority feelings, no timidity, no shame |
Being popular, being successful, being accepted, being loved, being respected, being admired, being in god’s (if any) grace, being rewarded, no guilt feelings, nothing to hide, nothing to be ashamed of, no regrets, no repenting, feeling morally good, feeling human |
Self-control alone and in front of others, goal setting, planning, forecasting, deciding, choosing, conscience, knowledge, self knowledge, wisdom, memory, information resources, world watching |