Historical dates flashcards

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Websites with historical dates: Timeline of ancient history   Timeline of the Middle Ages   Timeline of early modern history   Timeline of modern history   List of centuries

World War II start
Crash of New York
Stock Exchange
USSR birth
Punic Wars
Peloponnesian Wars
Persian Wars
Atomic Bomb dropped on Hiroshima
Radio invention
Louis XIV Reign
St. Bartholomew Massacre
of Protestants
Hundred Years' War
Thirteen Years' War
First Crusade
URSS end
World Wide Web birth
Communist China birth
Pearl Harbor attack
World War I
First Air-flight
Napoleon defeated
at Waterloo
Telephone invention
American Civil War
Charles Darwing published
The Origin of Species
French Revolution
First man on the moon
Fall of the Berlin wall
US independence
Alexander the Great
birth and death
Christopher Columbus
discovers the New World
Islam birth
Julius Caesar
Reformation birth
Gutemberg printed
the Bible
Jesus Christ birth
Roman Empire end
Holy Roman
Empire birth